Saturday, May 7, 2016

Theories of Interaction

This week in Family Relations we talked about some theories to do with communication and interaction. These theories are: Systems Theory, Exchange Theory, Symbolic Interaction, and Conflict Theory. I found that as we discussed them they seemed to be more tied together rather than just being in the same category. Often times they effect one another. For instance the exchange theory is where you are always weighing the costs and the rewards of the relationships you have. If you are always doing this than your gestures, words, and actions, may end up showing this (symbolic interaction). Then if someone feels as though you are being hesitant to be friends because they are weighing the relationship then the person can start to argue more bringing in the (conflict theory). How can all of these theories effect your home and family life. To begin with, conflict theory is often a power struggle or a competition. You can often see this between siblings as they try to be the one who is in charge or even as simple as who has the remote when watching TV. Symbolic interaction is important because it is "constantly communicating something about the relationship." I have found that this semester in school all of my roommates and I have shown pretty good symbolic interaction. If we are all hanging out then people usually don't have there phones out, people invite each other to go do things, and everyone speaks kindly to one another. These are all important because they communicate that we want to be friends and spend time with one another. That we really care. In my opinion the exchange theory is one of the more dangerous. If you are obvious about it or do it too much then people will be able to tell and may wonder if they should even be friends at all. This can be a very bad thing and you may lose relationships altogether. At the same time you should keep this in mind. This is because, some relationships may not be good for you and by weighing the costs and rewards it may help you get somebody toxic out of your life. Finally, the systems theory. This is a theory that everybody has their role in the household. This can be hard to recognize at times or very easily seen. It can be hard though when something changes, such as having a new baby, because then the roles have to change a little. These theories are good to keep in mind because they can help you improve the relationships with those around you. I know that as I've payed attention to them this pastt week it has helped me find my role at my apartment.

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