Saturday, May 21, 2016

Homosexuallity and Gender Roles

This weeks class was a bit more controversial of a subject so although I will speak my opinion in this post I hope it is not offensive to any of you. Homosexuality and gender roles are a large concern in today's world. Everybody is fighting for their rights and nobody wants to offend anybody else. We were all created the gender we truly are. Just because you identify as something else does not change your divine origin and who you were born as. In "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" It states, "ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." This is so essential to the family because when people identify as another gender or being interested in their same gender they take away their ability to create a family how God intended it to be. 
Another thing I wanted to discuss in this post and that is why people change their sexual orientation. Today so many people use the phrase "born that way." This often times is not the case. (I haven't looked to much into the biology of this so I will not go into much detail) In many studies/interviews the people that oriented themselves as homosexual at some point said it was because of experiences growing up. These tend to be things such as sexual abuse, Not being accepted by others of their gender, and being told that's the way they are. Often we see a boy who is more feminine in the way that they move or talk. Or maybe they are just more nurturing. When we see men like this we sometimes jump to the conclusion of him being gay. Because of this we start to identify somebody instead of letting them identify themselves. Self-concept is "an idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others." So, if someone grows up being asked or told if they are gay this can make them feel as though they are. Because part of your self concept is built off of what you think others think about you. As I said before not being accepted can play a huge role in peoples sexual orientation. This is because everybody wants to be accepted and when they are pushed away by their own gender it makes them long for that acceptance more. 
One thing I want to say is that many people don't want to like others from their same gender. Therapy can be a major help and benefactor for this but people are pushing for therapists to not being to help with it. This truly is what's taking away human rights not the therapy. If they don't want to change their orientation they will not be forced to, but if they do and they can't get that help? What will happen then?

Here are some links I think may be helpful for this topic:

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