Saturday, May 14, 2016


Some words that describe what culture is are; Beliefs, symbols, languages, values, and artifacts. With this definition how does culture affect families? Culture can affect families in many different ways. This can be anything from the culture they live in or the culture within the family. The culture within a family can make a huge impact on each of the members. We all perpetuate and create family cultures. This often comes by passing traditions down from generation to generation. These traditions are often times what the family believes in or what language they speak. Does it matter what kind of family we create? Yes, each individual family affects the world as a whole. It's kind of like I discussed in a past post about how even something like how many kids you have can affect if the world will reach a replacement level. So if we can build a strong family culture where everyone pitches in and does their part maybe that can extend to those outside and around the family, and so on. The family is an essential part of the community and to creating the culture of the world around them. How can you create a family culture that will influence the world for the better?

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