Saturday, July 2, 2016


There's a great talk/pamphlet called "One for the Money" by Elder Marvin J. Ashton. Its a guide to family finances. If you haven't read it I would strongly suggest it. (I will attach a link at the end of this post) Elder Ashton brings up a lot of good ideas that will help get financially secure and to stay there. One concept I really like is his Debt Elimination Calendar. This tool helps to organize your debt and get rid of it in a quick and efficient way. This is what it looks like:                                                                                             
Once you finish paying off one debt the money you were using for that moves into the next debt you need to pay off to help you get that one payed off faster as well. Another thing he talks about is learning to budget and manage your money. To this he says "Financial peace of mind is not determined by how much we make. But is dependent on how much we spend." When it comes to money management you need to make sure you are spending less than you are making or you will fall into debt quickly. When it comes to making decisions about money and what to spend it on Elder Ashton says "Married couples show genuine maturity when they think of their partner’s and their family’s needs ahead of their own spending impulses. Money management skills should be learned together in a spirit of cooperation and love on a continuing basis." Sometimes talking about money can be hard and you may have differing opinions but as you do so with love and understanding you can strengthen your marriage and god will help you to live a more financially peaceful life.

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